The Inspirational sources for this poem came from these verses: Eph. 2:8;II Cor. 5:7; Heb. 12:2
Through faith we come to Jesus Christ
And are gloriously saved,
Freed from those chains that bind the soul...
By Grace No Longer Depraved.
Our hearts can safely trust in Him
Through the roughest stormy night,
Knowing our God is in control...
Everything Will Work Out Right.
Through faith we put on His armour
And boldly face the fight,
Assured we will win the battle...
We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight.
And when we travel death's dark path,
The view so unclear ahead,
We can rest in His loving care...
For By His Hand We Are Led.
Through faith one day we shall behold
The Shepherd who holds our hand,
Forevermore to praise our God...
As We Enter Glory Land... Through Faith.