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Site Name: The Scaramouche Website (486x43 gif)
Bought to you by Gavin  A.K.A. "Scaramouche"
Sub-Heading: The Christian Section (180x17 gif)
Page Title: Everyone Is Special (389x73 gif)

The Inspirational source for this poem came from this verse: 1 Cor. 6:20

  • "Glorify God in your body, and in your Spirit which are God's"
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Everyone Is Special in his own way;
Each having his own part to play.

Yet, it's not like acting out some role -
Real life effects the heart and soul;
And how important it is for us to be
Preparing ourselves for eternity,
By making sure that the part we play
Brings glory and honour to God each day.

He made one of a kind - each is unique -
The way we look, and the way we speak.

We have a gift that's all our own,
Belonging to only us alone;
Freely given by the Father above
For the purpose of sharing His great love.

So, why compare ourselves with our brother?
Everyone Is Special, none like another;
And let us not just act out our part,
Whatever we do should come from the heart.

May we be ourselves - honest and true,
For there's only one me, and only one you.

Poem written and copyrighted by

Connie Campbell Bratcher

I would like to thank Connie for her kind permission to display this poem on my site.
Please visit her site at and read more of her fantastic work.

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