The Inspirational sources for this poem came from these verses: John 1:11-12
He left the glory of heaven and by a miraculous birth,
God's only Son came to walk upon earth.
He came unto His own, and they knew Him not,
The lamb of God, without blemish or spot.
He healed the sick, raised the dead,
And with a little lunch, the multitude fed.
He made the deaf to hear, the blind to see,
Cast out demons and set men free.
Then He was nailed upon an old rugged tree
To pay the debt for you and me.
They placed Him in a tomb, sealed it tight,
Guarded it well both day and night...
But, the tomb could not hold Him -
Hallelujah!...He Arose!...
The Victor over sin, death, the grave and all foes.
Glory to God, He's a living King.
He takes a sorrowful heart and makes it sing.
He takes a sin sick soul filled with misery and strife,
And by His grace imparts a brand new life.
It's the miracle of all miracles when He saves a soul,
Praise His Name -- He makes us whole.