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Page Title: An Empty Tomb Instead (490x72 gif)













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They came to the quiet garden
in the early morning gloom,
And there in the shadowed darkness
they found an empty tomb.

They brought their scented spices
to anoint the hallowed dead,
but found to their amazement
the Living Lord instead.

Their hearts were heavy laden
bowed down with deep despair,
but when they lifted tear-dimmed eyes Lo,
Jesus was standing there.

They thought all hope had ended
with Calvary's dying breath,
but they found a powerful Saviour
triumphant over death.

On that wonderful Easter morning
in a garden sweet with dew,
He came from the grave -
a world to save -
to live and reign anew.

So oft in the midst of sorrows
when hope seems cold and dead,
with lifted eyes we too may
see an empty tomb instead!

Poem written and copyrighted by

An Unknown Author

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