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There are many paths in this life
each begins with a decision
each decision a different direction
Each one must choose a path
every moment, every day
many choices, but only one answer

We can see but a short way
and then a hill, or a turn
Every path leading out of sight

But every path has a goal
seeking the end of the journey
where there is rest and joy

We may walk, or crawl
we may run, or pause for breath
but the end draws us on

Sometimes two paths will join
and we may walk with another
and we may have the choice of fellowship

With this fellowship we may learn
find out about other paths
and our decisions may change

Or we may decline fellowship
choose to walk alone
try to push the other off the path

Our paths, have they crossed or combined
are we just now, or continuing
are we looking in, or out

When the next choice comes
which way will I go
which way will you go?

Poem written and copyrighted by

Jeffrey R. Vernon

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