The Inspirational sources for this poem came from these verses: Prov. 31:28; Ps. 127:1
A gift more precious than gold.
Her children rise up, and call her blessed,
And in high esteem do hold.
Her love is like that of our Savior
Who sacrificed His own life.
That we might live joyful, Godly lives
In a troubled world of strife.
Her heart is like His, holding us close
No matter how far we roam,
And her arms are always open wide.
To forgive and welcome home.
Her hands are busy molding our lives
From the moment we are born.
Planting seeds, loving, disciplining,
Even when weary and worn.
Her feet are always careful to go
Where her child can follow there.
How could we thank our Mother enough
For her tender loving care?
A Godly Mother fervently prays
For that child she loves so much,
For she knows the fruit of her vineyard...
Depends on the Master's touch.