This section of my web site is dedicated to the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. It contains poetry and words of encouragement.
The Christian walk is often a hard one and hopefully these pages will offer that little extra support that is sometimes needed. When hard times do strike and you do feel discouraged then I find this verse to be very helpful.
Think about the tremendous pressure it takes to make a diamond or the heat it takes to purify gold. Then remember when dealing with the "Road Bumps" of life that if we weren't subjected to the problems we have to face then we would not develop and grow stronger.
I always find it comforting to know that the only problems that the good Lord will ever allow us to face in life are those we, with his help, can handle.
Throughout the bible there are examples and accounts of people that had to deal with situations in their lives. In every single instance by NOT relying on their own strength but by trusting in the Lord they overcame the situation and became stronger in the Lord.
But in times of trouble it is always nice to gain reassurance and to know that you are not the only person to have faced these problems.
I sincerely hope that the verses I have included here will in some small way offer you the support you need.