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Page Title: The Christian....If (372x72 gif)

The Inspirational source for this poem came from this verse: Luke 1:33

  • "...and of His kingdom there shall be no end."
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If you can keep your moral standards high
When all about are yielding to the tempter's charms,
If you can trust God, and love Him supremely,
Resting completely in your Saviour's arms;
If you can love your neighbour as yourself,
Going the second mile in time of need,
Then move on as though you'd done nothing,
And never breath a word about your deed:

If you can pray - and not make prayers a substitute
For action - when there's a call for such;
If you can witness to those about you
With the love and humility of the Master's touch;
If you can meet with rejection and hatred
As did our Lord while walking on this earth,
And selflessly persevere in the battle
For souls to have new spiritual birth:

If you can go through trials and hardships
And never murmur or complain,
Enabled to look up and rejoice
Regardless of the suffering or pain;
If you can trust, with full assurance
Of a divine purpose for the test,
Knowing all is working for God's glory,
As well as for your best:

If you have a hunger for righteousness
In this world of immorality and sin;
If you detest the thought of displeasing God,
And your heart's desire is purity within;
If you thirst for the truth of the Holy Scriptures-
God's written word to fallen men,
Yours is the kingdom of God and all that's in it,
And - what's more - you have eternal life, my friend!

Poem written and copyrighted by

Connie Campbell Bratcher

I would like to thank Connie for her kind permission to display this poem on my site.
Please visit her site at and read more of her fantastic work.

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