Page Title: Using The Stationery (251x30 gif)

To be able to use this, or any other, stationery properly you will need to apply it to your outgoing letters using this method and this method only.

Words in Blue are the commands you will need to select

  1. In Outlook Express click on Message on the toolbar
  2. Then select New Message Using
  3. Then pick the Select Stationery option.
  4. In the new window browse and select the stationery you want to use.
  5. Then click on OK
Double Floral Divider (276x25 gif)

Adding your OWN message :
To add your own message to the outgoing letter follow these steps.

  1. Double-Click on the word Message to highlight the existing text in the email.
  2. Then write your letter BY OVERWRITING the existing text.
  • It is absolutely essential that you just overwrite the existing text.
    Never delete it and then enter your message. If you do then you may accidentally delete some essential code that is behind this text and this will stop the stationery from functioning properly.
I hope you enjoy using this stationery.

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