Please note that some of the links on my site are directed to external sites.
I have no control over these sites and therefore can't (and won't) be held accountable for the way they do, or don't, respect your privacy.
You are entitled to your privacy and it deserves be be treated with the utmost of respect. With this in mind I give you the following guarantees:
Privacy In General:
There has never been, nor will there ever be, any tracking or tracing device/s installed or used on this site.
All Email links used on this site will use your own Email client.
This site does not use or store cookies of any description.
If you do send me an Email then your address will be treated with the utmost of confidentiality.
Your personal details will not be sold, lent, given, offered or in any way disclosed to any third party.
The only exception to this rule is this:
If you have asked a question about a site related matter that I cannot answer I will, with your consent, forward your question to a trusted and respected 3rd party that may be able to offer you assistance.
Privacy and the Awards Program:
When you fill-in the award application, or use the alternate method and send me an email, you are choosing to provide me with your email address. This is so I can communicate with you regarding your application.
Any details that are contained in either the application form or emailed application is guaranteed to kept strictly confidential and will be treated "For My Eyes Only".
I guarantee that the only information that will be passed on to my appointed evaluators will be your site's URL.
Once the application has been finalised all information that you provided will be destroyed immediately.
I will, for my own winners records, keep a copy of you site's URL.
If your application is successful then the only information about you that will be displayed on my site will be a link back to your homepage. In the case of a Platinum award a thumbnail image of your homepage will also be displayed.
C.O.P.P.A. (Compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) stipulates the minimum age for the collection of information is 13.
I feel, for an Awards Program especially, that this is too young and therefore I have set the minimum age for award applications at 16.
This means that applications from persons under the age of 16 will be deleted immediately upon receipt.

16 Sep 2005
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