House Of Representatives- Werriwa:
29 Nov. 1952* - 31 Jul. 1978 (Resigned)
* By-Election Hubert Peter Lazzarini died
Leader of the Opposition:
08 Feb. 1967 - 5 Dec. 1972
27 Jan. 1976 - 22 Dec. 1977
Deputy Leader of the Opposition:
07 Mar. 1960 - 08 Feb. 1967.
Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs:
27 Jan. 1976 to 22 Dec. 1977
Shadow Minister for the Arts:
25 Mar. 1976 - 22 Dec. 1977
On the 5th of December 1972, following the general election on the 2nd of December, the Governor-General called upon the Parliamentary Leader of the Australian Labor Party, Mr EG Whitlam, to form a government.
Mr Whitlam was sworn in as Prime Minister and the Deputy Parliamentary Leader of the Australian Labor Party, Mr LH Barnard, was sworn in as Deputy Prime Minister.
Pending a meeting of the Parliamentary Caucus of the ALP to elect the full ministry, an interim ministry was formed with Mr Whitlam and Mr Barnard sharing between them the administration of the various government departments.
These are the positions held by Mr Whitlam.
Minister for Minister for Customs & Excise:
Minister for Trade and Industry:
Minister for Shipping and Transport:
Minister for Education and Science:
Minister for Civil Aviation:
Minister for Housing:
Minister for Works:
Minister for External Territories::
05 Dec. 1972 - 19 Dec. 1972
After the Parliamentary Caucus of the ALP had made their decisions he relinquished these positions and Parliament resumed.
Minister for Foreign Affairs:
19 Dec. 1972 - 06 Nov. 1973
Minister for Environment:
02 Jul. 1975 - 14 Jul. 1975
Leader-Federal Parliamentary Labor Party:
08 Feb. 1967 - 22 Dec. 1977.
The Pipeline Authority Act 1973
Established the National Pipeline Authority to oversee the planning and construction of a national pipeline system and its subsequent operation and maintenance.
The Trade Practices Act 1974
Outlawed restrictive trade practices and ensured consumer protection and product and manufacturing liability.
The Health Insurance Act 1973
Established 'Medibank', a national health scheme funded by levy which provided free public hospital treatment and medical benefits totalling at least 85 per cent of the cost of doctor and hospital services.
The National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975
Established a service to plan and manage national parks in line with international standards.
The Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Enabled Australia to ratify the International Convention on the 'Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination'.
The Family Law Act 1975
Replaced the existing grounds for divorce with a single ground, irretrievable breakdown of marriage (eg. having separated and lived apart for 12 months or more), and the extension of Federal jurisdiction to maintenance, custody and property matters.
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975
Established tribunals to review the discretionary decisions of ministers and officials.
The Australian Heritage Commission Act 1975
Established the Australian Heritage Commission to advise the Government and Parliament on the condition of the National Estate and how it should be protected.
Official visits in 1974
Visited Laos and Burma, from January to February
Visited the EEC countries from December 1974 to January 1975.
Official visits as Deputy Leader of the Opposition
From 7 March 1960 to 8 February 1967
Visited these countries once:
Austria, Belgium, Brunei, Burma, Egypt, Fiji, Greece, Hong Kong, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Norfolk Is., Switzerland, Turkey, and Vietnam. Visited these countries twice:
Cambodia, Canada, France, Federal Republic of Germany, India, Italy, United Kingdom & The United States
Made 3 visits to:
Made 4 visits to:
Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore & Thailand
As Leader of the Opposition
From 8 February 1967 to 5 December 1972
Visited these countries once:
Austria, Belgium, China, Fiji, Finland, Iran, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, San Marino, Sweden, The Vatican, Tonga, Turkey, USSR and Yugoslavia.
Visited these countries twice:
Canada, Cyprus, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, Lebanon, Malta, Papua New Guinea and Vietnam
Made 3 visits to:
Federal Republic of Germany, Israel and Thailand
Made 4 visits to:
France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Singapore, United Kingdom and United States
As Leader of the Opposition
From 11 November 1975 to 22 December 1977
Visited these countries once:
Bahrain, Belgium, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, France, Federal Republic of Germany, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Philippines, Portugal, Rumania, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and Syria
Visited these countries twice:
Austria, Greece and United Kingdom.
Official visits in 1978 included:
Andorra, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, France, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, New Caledonia, New Hebrides, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, USSR and Vietnam.
Attended Commonwealth heads of government meetings in Ottawa, August 1973
Attended Commonwealth heads of government meetings in Kingston, April 1975
Attended UN General Assembly in September 1974
Attended the South Pacific Conference in Rarotonga 1974
Leader of the Australian parliamentary delegations to the constitutional conventions in Melbourne, September 1973
Leader of the Australian parliamentary delegations to the constitutional conventions in Sydney, September 1975
Deputy leader of the Australian parliamentary delegations to the constitutional conventions in Hobart, October 1976.

NOTE: These may not all be of a political nature. They include memberships of organisations and clubs as well as appointments to positions after they retired from politics.
Vice President, Socialist International, from 1976.
Member of the ALP National (formerly Federal) Executive, 1967-77.
In January 1976, as Leader of the Opposition, attended the funeral of Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Abdul Razak
Went to Norfolk Island for the Bicentenary of Discovery celebrations
Was a member of the Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues
Was a member of the University of Sydney Senate
Was a member of the World Conservation Union (IUCN)
Was a member of the Academy of Athens
Was a member of the Hanoi Architectural Heritage Foundation