House of Representatives- Corangamite:
13 Apr 1910 - 31 May 1913 Defeated
House of Representatives- Yarra:
18 Feb 1922* - 31 Oct 1949 Retired
* by-election vice Hon. F.G. Tudor deceased
Minister for External Affairs:
22 Oct. 1929 - 06 Jan. 1932
09 Jul. 1930 - 29 Jan. 1931
Minister for Industry:
22 Oct. 1929 - 06 Jan. 1932
Leader of the Opposition:
26 Apr. 1928 - 22 Oct. 1929
07 Jan. 1932 - 01 Oct. 1935
Because of an overwhelming opposition majority in the Senate this government was severely hampered in its legislative program.
What this meant was that a great many of the Bills that were allowed to pass supported measures more favoured by the opposition than by the government, particularly those bills which were aimed at dealing with the economic crisis.
Major legislation that was passed included:
The Financial Emergency Acts (No. 1 and No. 2) 1931
This reduced social welfare benefits and Commonwealth salaries in line with the "Premiers Plan" agreement.
The Gold Bounty Acts 1930 and 1931
were part of measures to help solve balance of payment problems
Represented Australia at the Imperial Conference, London in 1930.
Represented Australia at the Eleventh Assembly of the League of Nations, Geneva in 1930
Committee on Uniform Taxation, 1942.
Member of Income Tax on Current Income, 1944 (this was a joint committee)
Chairman Press Advisory Committee on Censorship Apr 1942
Commonwealth Literary Fund Committee 1942

NOTE: These may not all be of a political nature. They include memberships of organisations and clubs as well as appointments to positions after they retired from politics.
Elected to the central executive of the State Labor Party in 1916.
Elected president of the Victorian branch of the Australian Labor Party, 1918.
He was a member of the Catholic Young Men's Society
He was a member of the Ballarat South Street debating society
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