House of Representatives- East Sydney:
29 Mar. 1901 - 18 Aug. 1903 Resigned
04 Sep. 1903 - 24 Dec. 1909 Resigned
External Affairs:
18 Aug. 1904 - 05 Jul. 1905
Leader of the Opposition:
09 May 1901 - 17 Aug. 1904
07 Jul. 1905 - 16 Nov. 1908
Member of NSW Legislative Assembly:
17 Nov 1880 - 21 Feb 1884 East Sydney
16 Nov 1885 - 11 Jun 1901 East Sydney
Attorney General:
19 Apr. 1899 - 13 Sep. 1899
Colonial Treasurer:
03 Aug. 1894 - 03 Jul. 1899
Minister of Public Instruction:
05 Jan. 1883 - 06 Mar. 1884
Minister for Agriculture:
27 Aug. 1898 - 13 Sep. 1899
Postmaster General:
03 Aug. 1894 - 27 Aug. 1898
Nine acts of parliament were passed during the period in office of G S Reid. Most important was this one.
Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904
Establishing a court for settling industrial disputes. It was one of the most significant pieces of legislation in Australian federal history, effecting economic and social policy as well as industrial relations.

NOTE: These may not all be of a political nature. They include memberships of organisations and clubs as well as appointments to positions after they retired from politics.
Represented New South Wales at Federal Convention 1897.
Attended Diamond Jubilee celebrations in England 1897.
He was secretary to the NSW Attorney-General 1878 - 1980.
He was a member of the Sydney School of Arts Debating Society (1860-c1875).
He was a member of the Young Men's Presbyterian Union 1860s.
He was a member of the Cobden Club, London 1875.
He was a member of the Savage Club, London 1909-1918).
Appointed High Commissioner for Australia in London, from Jan. 1910 to Jan. 1916
Elected to the House of Commons (UK): 10 Jan 1916 - 12 Sep 1918 (St George's Hanover Square)