House of Representatives- Kooyong:
15 Sep. 1934 - 17 Feb. 1966 Resigned
12 Oct. 1934 - 20 Mar. 1939
Minister for Industry:
12 Oct. 1934 - 20 Mar. 1939
26 Apr. 1939 - 14 Mar. 1940
Defence Co-ordination:
13 Nov. 1939 - 07 Oct. 1941
Minister for Trade & Customs:
23 Feb. 1940 - 14 Mar. 1940
Minister for Information:
14 Mar. 1940 - 13 Dec. 1940
Minister for Munitions:
11 Jun. 1940 - 28 Oct. 1940
Vice-President of Executive Council:
07 Mar. 1951 - 11 May 1951
Member of the Australian War Cabinet:
September 1939 - 1941
Minister for External Affairs:
04 Feb. 1960 - 22 Dec. 1961
Minister-in-charge of the CSIRO:
22 Dec. 1961 - 16 Feb. 1962
Acting Minister for External Affairs:
Jan. 1950,
from Mar. - Apr. 1950
from Aug. - Nov. 1950.
The Hon. P.C. Spender was absent overseas
from Jul. - Aug. 1951,
from Mar. - Apr. 1952,
Aug. 1952,
from Sep. - Nov. 1953,
from Aug. - Nov. 1957
The Hon. Sir Garfield Barwick was absent overseas
from Apr. - May 1965 and
from Nov. - Dec. 1965.
The Hon. P.M.C. Hasluck was absent overseas
Acting Minister for External Territories:
Jan. 1950,
from Mar. - Apr. 1950
from Aug. - Nov. 1950.
The Hon. P.C. Spender was absent overseas
Acting Treasurer:
from 1951 - 1955
from Sep. - Oct. 1957
from Sep. - Oct. 1958
Rt Hon. Sir Arthur Fadden was absent overseas
from Sep. - Oct. 1959
from Aug. - Sep. 1960
from Sep. - Oct. 1961
from Aug. - Sep. 1964
from Apr. - May 1965
Rt Hon. H.E. Holt was absent overseas
Acting Attorney-General:
from May - Aug. 1955.
Hon. J.A. Spicer was absent overseas
Acting Minister-in-charge of the CSIRO:
from Feb. - Mar. 1963
Senator the Hon. J.G. Gorton was absent overseas
Leader of the Opposition:
23 Sep. 1943 - 19 Dec. 1949
11 Jan. 1956 - 26 Jan. 1966
Legislative Council of Victoria:
Oct. 1928 - Dec. 1929 (East Yarra) Resigned
Legislative Assembly of Victoria:
Dec. 1929 - ?? 1932 (Nunawading) Resigned
1932 - 1934
Minister for Railway's:
1932 - 1934
Acting Premier of Victoria:
Honourary Minister:
1928 - 1929
The Supply and Development Act 1939
To set up the Department of Supply to organise purchase and manufacture of arms and munitions.
The National Security Acts 1939 and 1940
Gave power to the government to make regulations for 'general safety and defence of the Commonwealth'. This law could be extended to cover almost any activity, but was sometimes successfully challenged in the courts.
The Aliens Registration Act 1939
To control the movement of foreigners in Australia
The National Registration Act 1939
To set up a registry of men liable for military service and to help mobilisation.
The Trading with the Enemy Act 1939
To prohibit trade with countries at war with Australia.
The Communist Party Dissolution Act 1950
This declared illegal and dissolved the Communist Party and affiliated bodies.
It was declared invalid by the High Court in March 1951
The Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1951
Provided for the use of secret ballots in trade union elections.
The Security Treaty Act 1952
Provided parliamentary approval of the ANZUS pact.
This treaty became the basis of Australian defence planning for the next 40 years.
The Defence (Special Undertakings) Act 1952
Facilitated British nuclear tests at the Monte Bello islands off the coast of Western Australia and later at the Emu and Maralinga sites in South Australia.
The National Health Act 1953
Consolidated medical, hospital, pharmaceutical and pensioner medical services.
The Broadcasting and Television Act 1956
Gave the ABC the same powers in television as it already had in radio, and made other arrangements for the introduction of television.
The Matrimonial Causes Act 1959
Provided for uniform divorce laws rather than the ten different codes that then existed.
The Telephonic Communications (Interception) Act 1960 (since replaced)
Established the procedures by which ASIO could tap telephones in order to protect the Commonwealth from acts of espionage or subversion, and the Crimes Act 1960 redefined the offences of treason, sabotage and espionage.
The National Library Act 1960
Established a National Library separate from the Parliamentary Library.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act 1962
Removed the franchise prohibition existing in Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia against Aboriginal people in Commonwealth elections.
The Papua New Guinea Act 1963
Was a response to the United Nations Trusteeship Council's criticism of Australian policy in PNG and provided for an enlarged legislature with a majority of indigenous members.
The Currency Act 1963
Prepared for the introduction of decimal currency in 1966.
The United States Naval Communication Station Act 1963
Approved the agreement to establish a communications station at North West Cape.
The National Service Act 1965
Was a response to Australia's increasing involvement in the Vietnam War.
Official visits in 1935
Member of ministerial delegation to England
Official visits in 1936
Member of ministerial delegation to England
Official visits in 1941
Great Britain and the Middle East
Official visits in 1949
Austria, Belgium, Canada, Ceylon, France, Germany, Holland, India, Indonesia, Taipan, Malaya, Malta, New Zealand, Pakistan, Republic of the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand and the United States of America.
Official visits in 1952
From May to July he visited the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States
Official visits in 1956
Head of the delegation mediating in the Suez crisis, Cairo in September
Official visits in 1959
From May to July he visited:
New Zealand, Canada, United States of America, United Kingdom, Western Germany, France, Pakistan, India, and Singapore.
Official visits in 1960
From May to June attended Annual meetings of the Council of Ministers of SEATO in Washington.
Attended the United Nations General Assembly
Official visits in 1961
From February to March visited the United States and the United Kingdom,
Annual meetings of the Council of Ministers of SEATO in Bangkok, March
Official visits in 1962
From May to June he visited the United Kingdom & the United States to discuss Britain's entry into the EEC
Official visits in 1963
From June to July he visited The United Kingdom, The United States, and Canada
September: Papua-New Guinea to open the Regional Office of the World Health Organization
Official visits in 1964
From June to July visited the United Kingdom and the United States
Official visits in 1965
From April to July visited The United States and the United Kingdom
Conference of Prime Ministers in London, Jan. 1951.
Commonwealth Financial and Economic Conference in London, and visits to Belgium and North America, from Nov. to Dec. 1952.
International (22-Nation) Conference on the Suez Canal, London, Aug. 1956
As chairman, he led a 5-nation committee, that had been appointed by this conference, to place proposals before the President of Egypt in Cairo, Sept 1956
Attended these CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads Of Government Meeting) in London:
from Jan. to Feb. 1955
from June to July 1956
from June to July 1957
May 1960
Mar. 1961
Sep. 1962
July 1964
June 1965
Member of the Advisory War Council, from 29 Oct. 1940 to 18 Feb. 1944.
Member of Standing Orders Committee, from 1 Mar. 1950 to 26 Jan. 1966.
Member (ex-officio) of Joint Committees on Constitutional Review, 1956-59.
Member of the Joint Select Committee on the New and Permanent Parliament House, from 10 Dec. 1965 to 26 Jan. 1966.

NOTE: These may not all be of a political nature. They include memberships of organisations and clubs as well as appointments to positions after they retired from politics.
Member of the British War Cabinet: Feb. 1940 - May 1941
He was visiting Britain and was invited, by Winston Churchill, to join the cabinet for the duration of his stay.
Royal guest at the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, June 1953.
Chancellor of the University of Melbourne in 1967 and resigned in 1972.
Lectured at the universities of Hawaii and Texas, 1969.
Represented the Australian Government at the funeral of the Rt Hon. Sir Winston Churchill, London, Jan. 1965.
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