House of Representatives- Blaxland:
25 Oct. 1969 - 23 Apr. 1996 Resigned
11 Mar. 1983 - 03 Jun. 1991
Minister for Northern Australia:
21 Oct. 1975 - 11 Nov. 1975
Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Commonwealth-State Relations:
03 Jun. 91 - 20 Dec. 1991
Deputy Prime Minister:
4 Apr. 1990 - 3 Jun. 1991
11 Mar. 1983 - 11 Mar. 1996
Shadow Minister for Agriculture:
Jan. 1976 - Mar. 1976
Shadow Minister for Minerals and Energy:
Mar. 1976 - Nov. 1980
Shadow Minister for National Development:
Dec. 1977 - Nov. 1980
Shadow Minister for Northern Australia:
Mar. 1980 - Nov. 1980
Shadow Minister for Resources and Energy:
Nov. 1980 - Jan. 1983
Shadow Treasurer:
Jan. 1983 - Mar. 1983
The Antarctic (Environmental Protection) Legislative Amendment Act 1992
Gave legislative effect to the obligations that arose from the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (the Madrid Protocol).
The Australian National Training Authority Act 1992
Established the Australian National Training Authority and its administration.
The Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Provided for national uniform legislation to make discrimination on the basis of disability unlawful.
The Endangered Species Protection Act 1992
Provided a framework for the protection of endangered species and ecological communities.
The Broadcasting Services Act 1992
Gave legislative effect to the Government's election promise to reform the Broadcasting Act 1942 and establish the Australian Broadcasting Authority for the purpose of regulating all aspects of broadcasting.
The Native Title Act 1993
This was the result of the Dec.isions made by the High Court of Australia Dec.ision in Mabo v Queensland (No 2). It legislated to provide a national system for the recognition and protection of native title and for its co-existence with the national land management system.
The Land Fund Act 1994
Provided the first national recognition of Indigenous occupation and title to land in Australian legislation.
The Land Fund
and Indigenous Land Corporation (ATSIC Amendment) Bill 1995
Amended the existing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act of 1989 to enable the establishment of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund and Indigenous Land Corporation.
Official visits in 1992
Indonesia for a meeting with President Soeharto, In April
Top-level meetings in Japan, Cambodia and Singapore, September & October
Official visits in 1993
Visited the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Korea
Official visits in 1994
Visited Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, In April
Indonesia, In June
Official visits in 1995
Japan, In May
Official visits in 1996
The first official visit to Malaysia, In January
He presided over the Premiers' conference April 1995
In 1995 attended the South Pacific Forum.
In April 1993 The Republic Advisory Committee

NOTE: These may not all be of a political nature. They include memberships of organisations and clubs as well as appointments to positions after they retired from politics.
In 1964 Keating joined Sydney's Labor Youth Council (later Young Labor)
Became president of the Sydney's Labor Youth Council in September 1966
Between 1976 and 1983 President of the NSW Branch of the ALP.
On 21 September 1979 he was elected president of the NSW State Labor party.
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