House of Representatives- West Sydney:
29 Mar. 1901 - 05 May 1917
House of Representatives- Bendigo:
05 May. 1917 - 16 Dec. 1922
House of Representatives- North Sydney:
16 Dec. 1922 - 10 Dec. 1949
House of Representatives- Bradfield:
10 Dec. 1949 - 28 Oct. 1952 (Died)
Minister for External Affairs:
27 Apr 1904 - 17 Aug 1904
21 Dec. 1921 - 09 Feb. 1923
29 Nov. 1937 - 26 Apr. 1939
13 Nov. 1908 - 02 Jun. 1909
29 Apr. 1910 - 24 Jun. 1913
17 Sep. 1914 - 21 Dec. 1921
20 Mar. 1939 - 07 Oct. 1941
Minister for Health:
12 Oct. 1934 - 06 Nov. 1935
26 Feb. 1936 - 29 Nov. 1937
Minister for Trade and Customs:
29 Sep. 1916 - 14 Nov. 1916
Vice-President of Executive Council:
12 Oct. 1934 - 06 Nov. 1935
29 Nov. 1937 - 07 Nov. 1938
Minister for Repatriation:
12 Oct. 1934 - 06 Nov. 1935
06 Feb. 1936 - 29 Nov. 1937
Minister in charge of Territories:
29 Nov. 1937 - 07 Nov. 1938
Minister for Industry:
20 Mar. 1939 - 28 Oct. 1940
Minister for Navy:
28 Oct. 1940 - 07 Oct. 1941
Deputy Prime Minister:
1910 - 1913
1914 - 1915.
Member of the War Cabinet:
1939 - 1941
Deputy Leader of the Labor Party:
1907 - 1915
Leader of the Labor Party:
1915 - 1916
Leader of National Labor Government:
Leader of the Nationalist Party:
1917 - 1923
NSW Legislative Assembly:
17 Jun. 1894 - Mar. 1901 (Lang)
The Australian Soldiers Repatriation Act 1917
Established a Repatriation Commission to regulate assistance and benefits to returned soldiers and to the widows and children of soldiers killed.
The War Service Homes Act 1918
Provided mortgage and rent assistance to returned servicemen.
The Electoral Act 1918
Established preferential voting, and is still in force under this title, though many times amended since 1918.
Repealed the War Precautions Act
The Air Navigation Act 1920
Regulated civil aviation, as a result of Australia's agreement to the international convention held in Paris in 1919 - a use of the 'external affairs' power.
The Butter Agreement Act 1920
Was early legislation to regulate the marketing of a primary produce, and one of the first of many similar primary industry marketing acts.
Represented Australia with the British Cabinet:
1919 and
Official Visits in 1907
Visited England as an Australian delegate to a shipping conference
Official Visits in 1916
Hughes visited England on 7 March, and spent the next three months in Britain and visiting Australian troops in the front line in France.
He also represented Australia at the Versailles Peace Conference.
Official Visits in 1919
Visited Paris to attend the Peace Conference from January to June
Attended the post-war Versailles peace conference in Jan - Jun 1919.
He signed the treaty on 28 June 1919 on behalf of Australia.
Delegate to League of Nations, 1932.
Imperial War Conference June to August 1918
Imperial War Cabinet meetings June to August 1918
Hughes was appointed a British government representative at a 1916 Paris economic conference.
Australian delegate representing seamen at Imperial Navigation Conference, London, 1907.
Chairman of Royal Commission on Navigation, 1904-06.
Member of Advisory War Council, from 29 Oct 1940 to 18 Feb 1944.
Member of Advisory War Council, from 19 Apr 1944 to 31 Aug 1945.

NOTE: These may not all be of a political nature. They include memberships of organisations and clubs as well as appointments to positions after they retired from politics.
He was a member of the Balmain & Sydney Mechanics School of Arts debating societies 1892-??
Joined the Socialist League in 1892.
In 1899 he organised Sydney's wharf labourers.
Appointed Secretary of the Wharf Labourer's Union after the maritime strike of 1890.
Formed and became President of the Waterside Workers' Federation, 1900.
Organiser of the Australian Workers' Union early 1890s.
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