House Of Representatives- Bennelong:
18 Jun 1974 - ??
19 Nov 1977 - 11 Mar 1983
Minister for Business & Consumer Affairs:
22 Dec 1975 - 17 July 1977
Minister for Finance:
23 Feb 1979 - 27 Feb 1979
Minister Assisting the Prime Minister:
24 May 1977 - 20 Dec 1977
Acting Minister for Employment & Industrial Relations:
22 Sep 1976 - 30 Sep 1976
20 Dec 1977 - 11 Mar 1983
11 Mar 1996 -
Minister for Special Trade Negotiations with the European Economic Community (EEC):
17 July 1977 - 20 Dec 1977
Deputy Leader-Federal Parliamentary Liberal Party:
08 Apr 1982 - 05 Sep 1985
Leader-Federal Parliamentary Liberal Party:
05 Sept 1985 -09 May 1989
30 Jan 1995 - ??.
Leader of the Opposition:
05 Sep 1985 - 09 May 1989 (Hawke Government)
30 Jan 1995 - 11 Mar 1996 (Keating Government)
Deputy Leader of the Opposition:
16 Mar 1983 - 5 Sep 1985
Manager of Opposition Business in the House:
07 Apr 1993 to 31 Jan 1995
Shadow Minister for Industry, Technology & Commerce:
28 Oct 1989 - 11 Apr 1990
Shadow Minister for Training & Employment:
11 Apr 1990 - 07 Apr 1993
Shadow Minister for Public Service:
11 Apr 1990 - 07 Apr 1993
Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations:
11 Apr 1990 - 31 Jan 1995
Chair, Manpower & Labour Market Reform Group:
11 Mar 1990 - 07 Apr 1993
Shadow Treasurer:
16 Mar 1983 - 05 Sep 1985
National Firearms Program Implementation Act 1996
An appropriation from Consolidated Revenue to fund the gun buy-back scheme. The Act provided for financial assistance to the States and Territories to compensate firearms owners and dealers.
Telstra (Dilution of Public Ownership) Act 1996
Provided for the sale of up to one third of the Commonwealth's equity in Telstra Corporation Limited.
Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act 1997
Reform of industrial relations introduced to amend provisions of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 relating to certified agreements. It provided the basis for the restructuring of industrial relations. The workplace reforms included the replacement of award wages with direct employer-employee enterprise bargaining.
Social Security Legislation Amendment (Work for the Dole) Act 1997
The Act provided for work programs in which people, to continue to receive unemployment benefits, could be required to participate.
Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997
Established a Natural Heritage Trust Fund with some of the proceeds of the partial privatisation of Telstra, to fund environmental projects.
Native Title Amendment Act 1998
A response to the Wik High Court decision, the Act contained extensive amendments to the Native Title Act 1993 (NTA).
Broadcasting Services Amendment (Online Services) Act 1999
The Act provided for censoring of the Internet by introducing a framework for the regulation of the content of online services. Proposed to address complaints about certain Internet content.
The Act aimed to restrict access to content that was likely to cause offence to a reasonable adult and to protect children from exposure to unsuitable content.
A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (+ 35 related Acts)
Key aspects of the New Tax System included the introduction of a Goods and Services Tax, removal of wholesale sales taxes, reduction in personal income tax rates and a restructuring of various taxation payment and reporting systems.
Anti-Terrorism Bill , 02 November 2005
The effect of the amendment is to give relevant agencies a greater capacity to respond promptly whenever threats arise.
Counter-Terrorism Laws Strengthened, 08 September 2005
Some of those amendments - such as enhanced use of closed circuit television
Modernising the existing sedition offences target those inciting violence against the community.
Increased powers to law enforcement and security agencies to enhance their capacity to prevent attacks
The Migration Act amended 17 June 2005
Amended to provide an additional non-compellable power for the Minister to specify alternative arrangements for a person's detention.
Also be amended to provide an additional non-compellable power for the Minister to grant a visa to a person in detention.
Official Visits in 1997
Visited Rarotonga, Cook Islands, from 17 to 19 September for the 28th South Pacific Forum
Official Visits in 1998
Visited Thailand from 23 to 26 April for discussions with the Prime Minister of Thailand, Mr Chuan Leekpai, and to participate in activities commemorating the sacrifice of Australian service men and women during the Second World War.
Opened the Hellfire Pass Memorial Museum on 24 April
Official Visits in 1999
Visited Durban, South Africa, from 12 to 15 November
Visited New Zealand from 20 to 22 February
Visited Japan for meetings with Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi in July
Official Visits in 2000
Visited New York from 4 to 6 September to address the United Nations Millennium Summit and for a meeting of the Commonwealth's High Level Review Group.
Visited India from 10-11 July first official visit to India by an Australian Prime Minister since 1989
Visited Japan 8 June represented Australia at the memorial service in Tokyo for Mr Keizo Obuchi, the former Prime Minister of Japan.
Official Visits in 2001
Visited Japan from 2 to 3 August
Visited Washington to meet the President of the United States on 10 September
Visited New Zealand from 24 to 26 February for annual trans-Tasman prime ministerial talks.
Official Visits in 2002
Visited Indonesia from 6 to 8 February at the invitation of President Megawati.
Went to Yogyakarta to meet the Sultan of Yogyakarta on the 7 February.
Visited New York from 28 January to address the World Economic Forum.
Went to London for a special meeting of CHOGM in March
Visited East Timor from 19 to 20 May to attend the East Timor independence celebrations.
Visited China in May
Visited Washington DC from 8 to 13 June
Visited Germany, Greece, Belgium, Italy and the Holy City from 30 June to 13 July
Visited Nigeria for the meeting of the Commonwealth troika on 23 September.
Visited United Kingdom from 24 to 25 September for talks
Visited Bali on 17 October to attend a memorial service for those who died in the bomb outrage on 12 October 2002.
Official Visits in 2003
Visited New Zealand from 8 to 10 March for annual trans-Tasman prime ministerial talks.
Visited the Philippines from 13 to 15 July,
Visited Japan from 15 to 17 July
Visited the Republic of Korea from 17 to 20 July.
Visited the United States to take up the invitation of the President and Mrs Bush to visit their ranch at Crawford, Texas, from 2 to 3 May.
(followed by talks in London with Prime Minister Blair and senior British ministers.)
The Solomon Islands on 22 December 2003.
Official Visits in 2005
Visit to United Nations 2005 World Summit, 08 September 2005
Visit the United States from 15 to 19 July
Visit the United Kingdom from 20 to 24 July.
Visit to New Zealand 19 to 21 February For annual trans-Tasman Prime Ministerial talks.
Visit to World Economic Forum and Singapore, 27 January 2005
Bilateral visit to Singapore on 1 and 2 February.
Visit to China, Japan, Turkey and Greece, 15 April 2005
Beijing from 18 to 19 April
Japan from 20 to 21 April
Turkey from 24 to 27 April and attend the Dawn Service at ANZAC Cove on ANZAC Day
Greece from 27 to 28 April
Addressed the McIntosh Hoare Govett Australian Investment Conference, New York Oct 1988.
Attended 77th International Labour Conference, Geneva, June 1990
78th International Labour Conference, Geneva, June 1991
79th International Labour Conference, Geneva, June 1992
80th International Labour Conference, Geneva, June 1993
Parliamentary Delegate to the Australian Constitutional Convention, Canberra, Feb 1998.
Attended Pacific Islands Forum, 27 October 2005
36th meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum held in Papua New Guinea
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, from 28 to 30 January
Boao Forum for Asia from 22 to 24 April
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Privileges from 11 Apr 83 - 05 Sept 1985
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Standing Orders from 11 May 1983 - 26 Oct 1984.
Joint Committee on the Australian Capital Territory from 25 July 1974 - 11 Nov 1975
Joint Committee on Prices from 25 July 1974 - 11 Nov 1975.
Attended meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Interim Committee, Washington, Mar 1979

NOTE: These may not all be of a political nature. They include memberships of organisations and clubs as well as appointments to positions after they retired from politics.
Vice-President, Liberal Party (NSW) 1972-74.
New South Wales Delegate to Federal Council of Liberal Party 1973-74.
Member, State Executive of Liberal Party (NSW) 1963-74.
State Representative, Young Liberals (NSW) 1962-64.
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