House of Representatives- Fawkner:
18 Aug 1935* - 10 Dec 1949
* by-election vice G.A. Maxwell deceased
House of Representatives- Higgins:
22 Feb 1950 - 19 Dec 1967
Following a redistribution of electorates
Minister without Portfolio Assisting the Minister for Supply & Development:
26 Apr 1939 - 14 Mar 1940
Minister without Portfolio Assisting the Minister for Trade & Customs:
23 Feb 1940 - 7 Oct 1940
Minister for Labour & National Service:
29 Oct 1940 - 7 Oct 1941
19 Dec 1949 - 10 Dec 1958
Minister-in-charge of CSIRO:
26 Oct 1939 - 14 Mar 1940
29 Oct 1940 - 7 Oct 1941.
Minister for Immigration:
19 Dec 1949 - 24 Oct 1956
10 Dec 1958 - 26 Jan 1966
Acting Minister for Air & Civil Aviation:
Nov - Dec 1939
during the absence overseas of the Hon. J.V. Fairbairn
Jan - Mar 1955.
during the absence overseas by the Hon. A.G. Townley
Acting Minister for External Affairs:
04 - 10 Jul 1967.
The Rt. Hon. P. Hasluck was overseas
Acting Treasurer:
16 Sept - 8 Oct 1966.
during the absence overseas of Rt. Hon. W. McMahon
11 Mar 1983 - 20 Dec 1991
Leader of the House of Representatives:
1956 - 1966
Deputy Leader-Parliamentary Liberal Party:
Sep 1956 - Jan 1966
Leader - Parliamentary Liberal Party:
Jan 1966 - Dec 1967
The Migration Act 1966
Relaxed immigration laws to allow entry of non-European settlers, effectively ending the White Australia Policy.
The Industrial Research and Development Grants Act 1967
Gave assistance to the manufacturing and mining industries. This was the year that saw the first offshore oil rig established.
On the 27 May 1967 Australians voted 'Yes' in a Referendum to change the Commonwealth constitution.
"Full-blood" Aborigines could now be counted in the national census, which meant that the federal government was now just as responsible as the states for Aboriginal affairs.
Official visits in 1960
Went to Lausanne to Represent the Australian Government at the Swiss National Fair - September.
Official visits in 1963
Visited Washington for economic discussions - from September to October
Official visits in 1964
Visit to the United States and the United Kingdom, September
Official visits in 1965
Visit to the United States for trade discussions, from April to May.
Official visits in 1966
Between the 28 March and the 9 April he visited:
Southeast Asia, Singapore, Saigon, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, Tenedak, Butterworth and Sarawak.
From June to July he visited
the United States and the United Kingdom for discussions on foreign affairs, defence and economic matters.
As a member of the boards of governors he attended the annual meetings of:
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
The International Monetary Fund
The International Finance Corporation
September - October 1959 the meeting was in Washington
September 1960 it was again in Washington
September 1961 Vienna
September 1962 Washington
September 1963 New York
September 1964 Tokyo
Member of the Australian delegation to Empire Parliamentary Association Conference, London, October 1948.
Leader of the Australian delegation to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference:
1950 in Wellington, New Zealand
1954 in Nairobi, Kenya
Leader of the Australian delegation to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference in Ottawa: From July to October 1952.
Leader of the Australian delegation to the International Labour Conference in Geneva in 1957
From February to March 1958
From August to October 1958
Attended the Conference of the Commonwealth Finance Ministers:
In 1959 in London
In 1960 in London
In 1961 in Accra
In 1963 in London
Leader of the Australian delegation to Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference in Canberra: 1959.
Manila Conference on Vietnam in October 1966.
Leader of the Australian delegation to the Conference of Commonwealth Finance Ministers in Kingston: 1965.
Attended the Conference of the Commonwealth Prime Ministers in London during September 1966.
Member of Parliamentary Joint Committee on War Expenditure, from 14 October 1943 to 16 August 1946.
Member of Economic and Industrial Committee of Cabinet, 1941.
Member of Joint Committee on Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings, from 5 July 1946 to 31 October 1949.
Member of the Standing Orders Committee, from 26 September 1956 to 19 December 1967.
Member of Joint Select Committee on the New and Permanent Parliament House, from 28 September to 19 December 1967.

NOTE: These may not all be of a political nature. They include memberships of organisations and clubs as well as appointments to positions after they retired from politics.
Member of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association delegation to the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 1953.
Presided at the Coronation luncheon tendered to Queen Elizabeth II by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association in Westminster Hall, May 1953.
Represented the Australian Government at the Swiss National Fair, Lausanne, September 1960.
Member of the General Council of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, 1950-55
(He was Chairman of this council from 1952-55).
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