House of Representatives- Wills:
10 Aug 1980 - 20 Feb 1992 (Resigned)
03 Jun 1991 - 04 Jun 1991
Leader of the Opposition:
03 Feb 1983 - 11 Mar 1983
11 Mar 1983 - 20 Dec 1991
Shadow Minister for Employment & Industrial Relations:
17 Sept 1980 - 3 Feb 1983
Shadow Minister for Youth Affairs:
17 Sep 1980 - 3 Feb 1983.
Leader- Federal Parliamentary ALP:
03 Feb 1983 - 19 Dec 1991
The Industrial Relations Act 1988
Replacing the Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904
Social Security Act 1991
Which replaced the Social Security Act 1947.
The World Heritage Properties Conservation Act 1983
Which brought state territory listed as heritage areas within the control of the Commonwealth through the use of the external affairs power in the Constitution.
The Sex Discrimination Act 1984
Which outlawed sex discrimination in the workforce.
The Australia Act 1985
Which finally ended residual control theoretically exercised by the British Government in regard to certain state functions.
The Privacy Act 1988
Which provided for safeguards over the use of information held about people in data banks and other information storage systems.
The Australian Postal Corporation Act 1989
Was an example of legislation giving wide ranging entrepreneurial powers to government business enterprises, subject to some legislative safeguards.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act 1989
Which established the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) as the peak national policy and administrative agency for the indigenous peoples. This Act combined in ATSIC the functions of the former Commonwealth Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Aboriginal Development Commission.
Official visits In 1983
Papua New GuInea, Indonesia, United KIngdom, Europe, United States and Canada, In June
Official visits In 1985
Belgium and United States, In February
Canada, In March
Fiji, In August
Papua New GuInea, In September
Bahamas, In October
Official visits In 1984
Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, ChIna, SIngapore and Malaysia, From January - February
Thailand In November
Official visits In 1986
United States and Europe, In April
Japan and ChIna, In May
United KIngdom, In August
Official visits In 1987
Switzerland and Middle East, From January - February
Western Samoa, From May - June
United States, Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, Yugoslavia and New Zealand, In October
SIngapore, USSR and Japan, From November - December
Official visits In 1988
United States, In June
Tonga, In September
Official visits In 1989
South-East Asia, India and Pakistan, From January - February
United KIngdom, United States and Europe, From June - July
Kiribati, In July
SIngapore and Malaysiai, In October
Official visits In 1990
New Zealand, In February
Turkey, In April
Commonwealth Heads Of Government Meeting (CHOGM), India, November 1983.
CHOGM, Port Moresby, August 1984.
South Pacific Forum, Tuvalu, August 1984.
In 1962 Hawke was a delegate to a conference for nominees from Commonwealth countries, sponsored by the Duke of Edinburgh and held in Canada.
Leader of the Commonwealth parliamentary delegation to the Australian Constitutional Convention in Adelaide, April 1983
Leader of the Commonwealth parliamentary delegation to the Australian Constitutional Convention in Brisbane, July 1985

NOTE: These may not all be of a political nature. They include memberships of organisations and clubs as well as appointments to positions after they retired from politics.
In 1971 Hawke travelled to Israel as the first recipient of an award in memory of Senator Sam Cohen.
Cohen was a founding member of the Jewish Council to Combat Fascism and Anti-Semitism in 1942, and promoted the idea of consensus.
In 1970 the annual Cohen lecture was established in his memory.
In 1971 Hawke was elected to the federal executive of the Australian Labor Party.
Was made Father of the Year In 1971.
President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) 1970 - 1980.
Member of Australian Refugee Advisory Council, 1979 - 1980.
Member of Australian Population and Immigration Council, 1976 - 1980.
Member of Australian Council for Union Training, 1975 - 1980.
A member of the International Labour Organisation Governing Body from 1972 - 1980
Member of Immigration Planning Council and Advisory Council, 1970 - 1980.
Member of Monash University Council, 1970 - 1973.
He was national president of the ALP from 1973 to 1978
Member of Reserve Bank Board, 1973 - 1980.
He was a member of the Congregational Youth Fellowship
He was a member of the Governing Body, International Labour Organisation
He was a member of the Student Christian Movement
He was a member of the Australian National University Council.
He was a member of the Australian Labor Party Club at the University of Western Australia.
He was a member of the Australian-Overseas Student Club.
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