Page Heading: Positions and Appointments Held By (250x20 gif)
Page Title: John Malcolm Fraser (331x64 gif)
Small Picture Of PM (110x110 gif)


Positions Held In Federal Government (316x25 gif)
House of Representatives- Wannon:
10 Dec. 1955 - 31 Mar. 1983 (Resigned)
Minister for the Army:
26 Jan. 1966 - 28 Feb. 1968
Minister for Defence:
12 Nov. 1969 - 08 Mar. 1971
Minister for Science & Education:
28 Feb. 1968 - 12 Nov. 1969
20 Aug. 1971 - 05 Dec. 1972
Leader of the Opposition:
21 Mar. 1975 - 11 Nov. 1975
Leader federal parliamentary Liberal Party:
21 Mar. 1975 - 11 Mar. 1983
Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations:
03 Aug. 1973 - 11 Nov. 1975
Member of the Cabinet:
Read about Cabinet Membership
20 Aug. 1971 - 05 Dec. 1972
22 Dec. 1975 - 11 Mar. 1983

Positions Held In State Government (299x25 gif)


Important Legislation Passed: (245x25 gif)
The Social Services Amendment Act 1976
Increased the rate of child endowment, renamed family allowance, following Professor Ronald Henderson's Commission of Inquiry in Poverty.
The Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976
Gave land rights to Northern Territory Aborigines, implementing the recommendations of the Woodwood Royal Commission into Aboriginal land rights.
The Ombudsman Act 1976
Established an office of Commonwealth Ombudsman which was empowered to investigate grievances by members of the public about administrative actions by officials of Commonwealth departments, statutory authorities and other government agencies.
The Constitution Alteration (Senate Casual Vacancies) 1977
Ensured that a casual vacancy in the Senate was filled by a person of the same political party as the former incumbent - subsequently passed at a referendum.
The Federal Court of Australia Act 1976
Established a court of appeal to operate in areas of federal and territory law.
The Crimes (Taxation Offences ) Act 1980
Outlawed the stripping of untaxed profits by way of "bottom of the harbour" schemes.
The Taxation (Unpaid Company Tax) Assessment Act 1982
Provided for the recoupment of tax evaded illegally since 1972.
The Aboriginal Development Commission Act 1980
Provided funding mechanism for Aboriginal enterprises, housing and other services.
The Human Rights Commission Act 1981.
The Northern Territory (Self Government) Act 1978

Established a fully elected legislative assembly for the Northern Territory with powers in most respects equal to state powers.
The Freedom of Information Act 1982
Established a legally enforceable right of access to the public for information held by ministers & officials.

Made These Official Visits (229x25 gif)
Official visits in 1964
United States at the invitation of the United States Government
Official visits in 1965
Official visits in 1966
The Philippines
Vietnam to visit Australian Forces, From July to August
Official visits in 1967
Vietnam to visit Australian Forces July and August
Official visits in 1970
New Zealand
United States
Singapore to attend the Five-Power Military Exercise, In June
Vietnam to visit Australian Forces, In July & August
Official visits in 1976
Visited Singapore, In January
Japan and China, In June
United States and Canada, From July to August
Indonesia, In September
Official visits in 1977
Papua New Guinea in February
Europe and United States from June to July
Port Moresby, In August.
Official visits in 1978
Papua New Guinea Gift Ceremony, Port Moresby, In October
Official visits in 1979
India, In January
Tokyo, In April
Indonesia, In May
New York, London, Paris, Bonn, Singapore and Malaysia, In June
Seychelles and Nigeria, In July
Official visits in 1980
The United States, Europe and New Zealand, From January to February
New Zealand, In March
Zimbabwe for Independence Day celebrations, In April
Fiji, In July
Official visits in 1981
Mexico, Canada and United States, In June
The United Kingdom and India, From July to August
Official visits in 1982
United States, Canada, Japan and Korea, In May
Malaysia, China, Philippines and New Zealand, In August
Fiji, In October

Attended These Conferences (244x25 gif)
Leader of Commonwealth parliamentary delegations to the constitutional conventions, Hobart Oct 1976, and Perth, Jul. 1978.
South Pacific Forum, Niue, Sep. 1978
Hosted first Commonwealth Heads Of Government Meeting (CHOGM), Sydney, Feb. 1978.
CHOGM, (Commonwealth Heads Of Government) London, June 1977
ASEAN summit, Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 1977.
South Pacific Forum, Rotorua, Mar. 1976
Leader of the Australian Cultural Mission to Italy, Apr 1969.
South Pacific Forum, Port Moresby, Aug. 1977.

Served On These Committees (240x25 gif)
Joint Foreign Affairs, from 15 Mar. 1962 to 16 Mar. 1966.

Other Positions, Affiliations and Memberships (375x30 gif)
NOTE: These may not all be of a political nature. They include memberships of organisations and clubs as well as appointments to positions after they retired from politics.

Attended the funeral of the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr M. Ohira, Tokyo, Jul. 1980.
Attended the marriage of HRH the Prince of Wales, London, Jul. 1981.
Attended the funeral of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Abdul Razak, Jan. 1976.
Represented Australian Government at the Singapore 150th Anniversary Celebrations, Aug. 1969.
Led an Australian cultural mission to Italy in 1969.
Member of the Australian delegation to Papua New Guinea for Independence Day Celebrations, Sep. 1975.
Chairman, United Nations Panel of Eminent Persons on the Role of Transnational Corporations in South Africa 1985.
Joint Chairman, Commonwealth Group of Eminent Persons on South Africa 1985-1986.
Chairman, United Nations Secretary-General's Expert Group on African Commodity Issues 1989-1990.
Chairman of CARE Australia 1987 - 2002.
President of CARE International 1990 - 1995.

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