House of Representatives- Wide Bay:
30 Mar. 1901 - 26 Oct. 1915 (Resigned)
Minister for Trade & Customs:
27 Apr. 1904 - 17 Aug. 1904
13 Nov. 1908 - 02 Jun. 1909
29 Apr. 1910 - 24 Jun. 1913
17 Sep. 1914 - 27 Oct. 1915
Leader of the Opposition:
02 Jun. 1909 - 29 Apr. 1910
08 Jul. 1913 - 17 Sep. 1914
Deputy Leader-Parliamentary Labor Party:
Aug. 1905 - Oct. 1907
Leader-Parliamentary Labor Party:
Oct. 1907 - Oct. 1915
The Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1910
Provided for the organisation to establish the national capital and provided for the administration and laws of the Australian Capital Territory.
The Naval Defence Act 1910
Set up control of the new Royal Australian Navy.
An amendment to the Defence Act in January 1911
In January and February 1910 British Field-Marshal Lord Kitchener, visited Australia at the request of the Fusion government to advise on Australian defence. Most of the recommendations in Kitchener's report were adopted, including the establishment six months later of a military training institution. It was the Royal Military College at Duntroon.
The Surplus Revenue Act 1910
Grants to the States were established on a per capita basis
The Commonwealth Bank Act 1911
Provided for a National Government owned trading and savings bank.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act 1911
Introduced compulsory enrolment for Commonwealth elections.
The Kalgoorlie to Port Augusta Railway Survey Act 1911
Set in motion the construction of the Commonwealth sections of the Trans-Australia Railway.
The Pine Creek to Katherine Railway Survey Act 1912
Set in motion the construction of the North Australia railway.
The Pacific Cable Act 1911
Regulated the use of the Australian section of the submarine telegraph cable from Canada through the Pacific. This 'Empire cable' linking the western end of the British empire had been completed in 1902.
The Judiciary Act 1912
Amended the 1903 Act to increase the size of the High Court to seven judges.
The Maternity Allowances Act 1912
Granted European mothers a 'baby bonus' of five pounds (£5) on the birth of each child, without means test.
The Commonwealth Workmen's Compensation Act 1912
Provided for compulsory accident insurance and compensation for federal and territory employees.
The Lighthouses Act 1911 & The Navigation Act 1913
Covered shipping and maritime communications
War Precautions Act 1914 and
War Precautions Act (No. 2) 1915.
These Acts gave very wide powers to the government to make regulations to 'secure the public safety and defence of the Commonwealth'.
The Crimes Act 1914
Established a code of offences against the Commonwealth, including treason and breaches of official secrecy.
The Australian Notes Act
Transferred to the Commonwealth from private banks the authority to print paper money.
The Tasmania Grant Act 1912.
Grants to the States were established on a per capita basis.
Presided over the federal Labor conference in July 1908
A resolution was passed that neither electoral nor parliamentary alliances with other parties would continue.
Represented the Commonwealth at the Imperial Conference, London, 1911.

NOTE: These may not all be of a political nature. They include memberships of organisations and clubs as well as appointments to positions after they retired from politics.
Elected president of the Gympie branch of the Workers' Political Organisation, 1891.
In 1891 he was president of the Gympie branches of the miners union & the Workers Political Organisation -
the latter was the forerunner of the Labor Party in Queensland.
In 1892 Fisher represented Gympie at the first Queensland Labor Party convention.
In June 1898 he was a delegate to the Queensland Labor convention.
Represented the Australian Labor Party in the Australian contingent to attend the coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra in 1902.
High Commissioner in London from 1 January 1916 to 1 January 1921
Elected president of the Gympie branch of the Amalgamated Miners' Association, 1891.
Elected secretary of the local branch of the Ayrshire Miners' Union at age 17.