House of Representatives- Fremantle:
17 Nov. 1928 - 19 Dec. 1931 (Defeated)
15 Sep. 1934 - 05 Jul. 1945 (Died)
Minister for Defence Co-ordination:
07 Oct. 1941 - 14 Apr. 1942
Minister for Defence:
14 Apr. 1942 - 21 Sep. 1943
29 Sep. 1943 - 06 Jul. 1945
Leader of the Opposition:
01 Oct. 1935 - 07 Oct. 1941
Head of the War Cabinet:
07 Oct. 1941 - 05 Jul. 1945
Acting Minister for External Affairs:
The Rt Hon. H.V. Evatt was absent from Australia
Leader of the Federal Labor Party:
01 Oct. 1935 - 05 Jul. 1945
Leader of the Opposition:
1935 - 1941
The Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942
This was Australia's ratification of the 1931 British Act establishing the independence of the dominion parliaments. Ratification had been long delayed by the Lyons government. Ratification was enacted on 9 October 1942, and backdated to the declaration of war with Germany.
The Black Marketing Act 1942
To protect war time price control and rationing.
The Widows Pension Acts 1942 and 1943.
The Women's Employment Act 1942
To set up a board to determine conditions of employment for women.
The Australian Broadcasting Act 1942
To regulate all broadcasting services. This act, as amended, was in force until 1992.
The Income Tax (Wartime Arrangements) Acts 1942 and 1943
The Income Tax Assessment Act 1942
Imposed uniform rates of tax for the whole Commonwealth and effectively made income tax collection a Commonwealth monopoly.
The Unemployment and Sickness Benefits Act 1944.
The Pharmaceutical Benefits Act 1944 and 1945
Provided for the Commonwealth to subsidise a large range of medicines.
The War Crimes Act 1945
Allowed for trial of war criminals by Australian military courts.
Went to Washington and met with President Roosevelt and US Secretary of State, Cordell Hull
Member of the Australian delegation to the Sixth Session of the international Labour Organisation of the League of Nations, Geneva, 1924.
Attended the Conference of Dominion Prime Ministers, April-May 1944.
(Great Britain, United States, & Canada)
Member of the Joint Committee on Public Works, 1929-31.
Member of the Australian Advisory War Council, from 29 Oct. 1940 to 5 Jul. 1945.

NOTE: These may not all be of a political nature. They include memberships of organisations and clubs as well as appointments to positions after they retired from politics.
Chairman of the Advisory Council that was preparing WA's case before the Commonwealth Grants Commission.
Victorian organising secretary for the Timber Workers' Union in 1911.
Member of the Royal Commission on Child Endowment or Family Allowances, 1927-28.
First federal president of the Timber Workers' Union in 1914.
He was a member of the Australian Journalists Association (c1917- )
He was a member of the Workers Education Association.
Appointed President of the Australian Journalists' Association in 1921.
Member of the Empire Coronation.
Appointed chairman of a board to prepare the case for Western Australia before the Grants Commission in 1933.
He became an organiser for the Australian Workers' Union in 1916.
Secretary of the Victorian Anti-Conscription League in 1916.
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