Page Heading: Positions and Appointments Held By (250x20 gif)
Page Title: Joseph Benedict Chifley. (361x64 gif)
Small Picture Of PM (110x110 gif)


Positions Held In Federal Government (316x25 gif)
House of Representatives- Macquarie:
17 Nov. 1928 - 19 Dec. 1931 (Defeated)
21 Sep. 1940 - 13 Jun. 1951 (Died)
07 Oct. 1941 - 19 Dec. 1949
Minister for Defence:
03 Mar. 1931 - 06 Jan. 1932
Minister for Post-War Reconstruction:
22 Dec. 1942 - 02 Feb. 1945
Leader of the Opposition:
21 Feb. 1950 -13 Jun. 1951
Member of War Cabinet:
07 Oct. 1941 - 19 Jan. 1946
Member- Production Executive:
Nov. 1941 - Jan. 1946
Member of Food Executive:
Acting Prime Minister:
Apr. - Jul. 1945
Acting Minister for Defence:
05 Jun. 1947 - 26 Aug. 1947,
14 Nov. 1947 - 15 Dec. 1947,
01 Jan. 1948 - 16 Feb. 1948,
07 Jul. 1949 - 27 Jul. 1949.
during absences overseas of the Hon. J.J. Dedman
Acting Minister for External Affairs:
11 Jul. 1947 - 12 Aug. 1947,
04 Sep. 1948 - 9 Dec. 1947,
23 Jul. 1948 - 20 Jan. 1949,
26 Feb1949 - 16 Apr. 1949,
03 May 1949 - 13 Jun. 1949.
during absences of the Rt Hon. H.V. Evatt

Positions Held In State Government (299x25 gif)


Important Legislation Passed: (245x25 gif)
The Commonwealth and State Housing Agreement Act 1945
Provided for the subsidisation of house constructions by grants from the Commonwealth matching State grants.
The Hospital Benefits Act 1945
Provided grants to States to subsidise public hospitals.
The Banking Act 1945
Strongly opposed by the opposition because it placed banking system under the Commonwealth Bank in a 'reserve bank' role.
The Education Act 1945
Set up a Universities Commission for expansion of university education, a measure strongly supported by the Opposition.
The Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Power Act 1949.
The National Health Service Acts 1948 and 1949
This laid the foundations for a national health scheme which was never implemented for constitutional reasons.
The National Emergency (Coal Strike) Act 1949
Penalised unions supporting the NSW coal strike.
The Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948
Enacted a new code of nationality and citizenship law.

Made These Official Visits (229x25 gif)
April to May 1946
Great Britain, the United States and Japan

Attended These Conferences (244x25 gif)
Conference in London on India's constitutional position, from 16 Apr. to 3 May 1949.
Conference in London on dollar position of sterling area, from 4 Jul. to 17 Jul. 1948.
Conference with the New Zealand Government in New Zealand, 15 Dec. 1947 to 1 Jan. 1948.

Served On These Committees (240x25 gif)
Chairman of the Joint Committee on Income Tax on Current Income, 1944.
Member of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts, 1929 - 1931.
Member of the Board of Inquiry into Hire-purchase and Cash Order Systems, 1941.
Member of the Australian Advisory War Council:
16 Mar. - 18 Jun. 1942
13 Apr. - 29 Sep. 1943
during the absence overseas of the Rt Hon. H.V. Evatt

Other Positions, Affiliations and Memberships (375x30 gif)
NOTE: These may not all be of a political nature. They include memberships of organisations and clubs as well as appointments to positions after they retired from politics.

Member of the Royal Commission on Monetary and Banking Systems, 1935-36.
Accepted appointment offered by Menzies as adviser on labour and director of labour supply and administration with the Supply Department, 1939-1941.
Elected to the Abercrombie Shire Council in 1933.

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