Page Heading: Positions and Appointments Held By (250x20 gif)
Page Title: Sir Edmund Barton (324x51 gif)
Small Picture Of PM (110x110 gif)


Positions Held In Federal Government (316x25 gif)
House of Representatives-Hunter:
29 Mar. 1901 - 30 Sep. 1903 (Resigned)
External Affairs:
01 Jan. 1901 - 24 Sep. 1903
Leader of the Protectionist Party:

Positions Held In State Government (299x25 gif)
Member Legislative Assembly:
26 Aug. 1879 - 09 Nov. 1880 (University of Sydney)
22 Nov. 1880 - 23 Nov. 1882 (Wellington)
30 Nov. 1882 - 07 Oct. 1885 (East Sydney)
16 Oct. 1885 - 26 Jan. 1887 (East Sydney)
17 Jun. 1891 - 26 Oct. 1891 (East Sydney)
07 Nov. 1891 - 25 Jun. 1894 (East Sydney)
28 Sep. 1898 - 07 Feb. 1900 (Hastings-Macleay)
Member Legislative Council:
(the New South Wales upper House)
02 Feb. 1887 - 12 Jun. 1891
12 May 1897 - 18 Jul. 1898
Speaker of the Legislative Assembly:
03 Jan. 1883 - 31 Jan. 1887.
Attorney-General for NSW:
17 Jan. 1989 - 07 Mar. 1889
23 Oct. 1891 - 14 Dec 1893
Acting Premier:
From Apr. to Sep. 1892
Premier Dibbs' was absent overseas.
Leader of the Opposition:
1898 - 1899.

Important Legislation Passed: (245x25 gif)
The legislative task of the first parliament was to establish a Commonwealth administration. Parliament passed 59 of the 84 bills introduced by the Barton government including 21 money (appropriation and supply) bills.
The Acts Interpretation Act 1901
The first bill setting out the standards and conventions for drafting subsequent bills.
The Audit Act 1901
To provide for supervision of government spending and reporting to Parliament.
The Customs Act 1901 and Excise Act 1901
Revenue raising acts.
The Judiciary Act 1903
To set up the High Court.
The Defence Act 1903
To establish control of military and naval forces.
The Immigration Restriction Act 1901
To implement the ‘white Australia policy’.

Made These Official Visits (229x25 gif)
Leader of the delegation to London with the Australian Commonwealth Bill, 1900.

Attended These Conferences (244x25 gif)
Senior Representative from New South Wales, to the Australasian Federal Convention, 1897-98. 
He was also Leader of the convention.
Member of the Australasian Convention, Sydney, 1891

Served On These Committees (240x25 gif)

Other Positions, Affiliations and Memberships (375x30 gif)
NOTE: These may not all be of a political nature. They include memberships of organisations and clubs as well as appointments to positions after they retired from politics.

High Court Judge, 6 Oct. 1903 - 07 Jan. 1920
A member of the Athenaeum Club
He was a Freemason

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