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Bought to you by Gavin A.K.A. "Scaramouche"

Life holds so many priceless things
The falling rain-the wind that sings
Each star on high--a big full moon
And sunbeams dancing in your room.
The river as it rushes on
The sunset when day is gone
No wealth can buy a mountain tall
These priceless things belong to all.
An Autumn tree lends beauty rare
With leaves piled deep most everywhere
As nature wears a glowing smile
To make each day a day worthwhile.
Could anything be quite as dear
As laughing children that we hear
The gift of friendship that is ours
The miracle of growing flowers
Each magic moment--treasured time.
These priceless gifts are
*****Yours and Mine*****
Poem written and copyrighted by
Garnett Ann Schultz
I would like to thank the author for her kind permission to use this poem on my site.
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