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Bought to you by Gavin A.K.A. "Scaramouche"
Christ surrendered all on the cross,
He bore our sin and shame,
That we might never suffer loss,
Oh, Praise His Glorious Name!
I could never thank Him enough
For what He did for me;
His blood washed all my sin away
And set this prisoner free.
A million years would be too few
To praise my God and King,
I can only surrender all...
My heart and soul I bring.
He gave His all for you, my friend,
Just hear His tender call...
His blood will cleanse you from your sin
As you Surrender All.
Poem written and copyrighted by
Connie Campbell Bratcher
I would like to thank Connie for her kind permission to display this poem on my site.
Please visit her site at and read more of her fantastic work.
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