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Bought to you by Gavin A.K.A. "Scaramouche"
I have a little Guardian Angel
it sits upon the shelf up high
it watches over and protects me
and wipes the teardrops from my eye.
I can feel the warmness from her smile
her gentle and caring ways
protecting me from life's troubles
and helping me walk through life each day.
Her hand guides me on life's path
her heart showers me with love
she gives of herself so freely
guided only from the Lord above.
They say some people are truly angels
walking beside us each and every day
Watching, caring and loving us
and giving us strength in every way.
I know of a special angel
that walks thru life by my side
she's caring, special and loving
and has a heart of gold inside.
I know all of my life she's been watching
and guiding me carefully through
I know deep inside my heart
that my Guardian Angel is you.
Poem written and copyrighted by
Carrie Naturale
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